The tower: I made quite a few changes here. I put windows all around. This was quite a job, but I feel it is effective. I still am not finished with them. I added a lot of trim to this top piece after studying many real Victorian houses.
The gable triangle ; I hand cut all of the little circles from basswood. It was quite a time-consuming job.
The gazebo floor: I hand cut all the boards for it (and the rest of the porch) and sanded the edges a bit so that once painted each board could be seen.
The railing: I used different spindles than those that came with the kit and painted them several colors.
The dormer: You can see that I made a few additions to it.
The chimney: I used paint to make it look used and a bit dirty. Victorians burned a lot of coal, and it was dirty. I added the tall chinmey pots which were often on Victorian chimneys. Often, they did not match each other. Although the British used chimney pots more than Americans, the American Victorians did have them. Most are gone today.