Troubleshooting Dollhouse Wiring:


Over Current


   Troubleshooting Slideshow
   Test the Tester
   Finding Tapewire (do a rubbing)
   Over Current (short circuit)
   Restore an Eyelet Connection
   Junction Splice test and repair

Too much current will make the Power Supply shut off automatically (if it is circuit breaker protected).
Too much current can be caused by too many lights or by a short circuit.
  Too many lights? Transformer Basics
  Short Circuit? Anything that bridges the conductors in dollhouse wiring shortens the pathway without current-limiting resistence (light bulbs are current-limiting, an eyelet is not). Look for an eyelet that is not in the right place.
  In trying to resolve lost power to a chandelier, this builder installed eyelets that un-intentionally joined the blue conductor to the copper conductor, which is a short circuit. Pulling the eyelets out did not eliminate the short, so the bad section was replaced.        

The pleated corner has an un-seen copper conductor hiding under the blue, so the eyelet with an arrow goes through the blue on top and the blue in the middle where the tapewire is pleated, and then it connects to the hidden copper layer on the bottom; Blue/Blue/Copper is a short circuit!

Don't eyelet where there is a pleat!